Today is the beginning of a new chapter in my music career.
I began by posting my first song on newgrounds, titled Step Down. Let me just say, it wasn't that good. But it was my first step on my musical journey. One that would change me as a person and as an artist. The first few songs of mine, the ones with the pattern art cover, are the prologue to my figurative novel.
As I improved with my songs, my passion for music grew. Music became a bigger part of myself. Around this time, I began to gain followers. I'd like to thank a few of the most passionate, @deltahedron, @casualbreather, and @DJDUBSTEPCREEPER. Thank you. My music was improving, but I was using samples. But by the end of this time, I began working with sound design. And it began to serve me right.
With chapter 1 concluded, I begin a new chapter in my musical journey. I will continue to get better. Stick around to see my development as an artist :D
I would also like to thank @VariableGR for an awesome collaboration opportunity. Check out the song here: Turn Up
Anyways, I'd like to thank all of my followers for being there for me. Thank you. From now on, each chapter will serve a theme. As the chapters go on, my profile will change. Before it was eyes, now it is skulls. Anyways, have a wonderful day.
-Neon Skies
Next theme gonna be cartilage I'm calling it
wait a minute skullCRUSH